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Hair Loss in Women Page 3

The reasons for FPHL are not fully understood, but below are some possible causes:

  • Menopause: According to the North American Menopause Society, close to 50 percent of women will experience some degree of hair loss or thinning before age 50, often increasing with menopause. Hormones support hair growth and when estrogen levels dip, hair follicles are adversely effected.
  • Illness or Underlying Medical Conditions: there are around 30 different conditions can contribute to hair loss. Conditions such as thyroid disease, diabetes, lupus, anemia, ringworm, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and certain cancer treatments.
  • Stress or Trauma: Shedding is normal, but may be long-lasting when you are under stressful events. Things such as divorce, loss in job, excessive weight loss and so on.
  • Poor Nutrition: If there is a shortage of proper nutrition, your body will automatically shift its nutritional storage to the vital organs of the body and away from hair. Low levels in protein, iron, vitamin D and calcium can cause hair loss.
  • Rough Handling: Years of pulling your hair too tight can put stress on the hair and cause a type of hair loss known as “Traction Alopecia”. Bleaching or regular cycle of dyes, straightening irons, relaxers and other harmful hair products can also play a role in hair loss.
  • Anemia or iron deficiency
  • Discontinuing birth control

Due to this complexity, it is important to attain the right diagnosis before any treatment.

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