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Hair Loss in Women Page 2

Hair loss—the exogen, shedding phase of the hair cycle—is a natural occurrence we all experience. Dropping 50-100 hair follicles a day is normal. But if you believe you’re hair loss exceeds what’s normal, it could be a sign of progressive hair loss. According to Dr. David J. Wong, clinical associate professor of dermatology at Stanford University, “Once you exceed that [50-100 hair follicles a day], you’re losing it at an abnormal rate.”

Hair By Robotics offers a free consultation to evaluate your individual needs. Call 1-844-424-7297 and speak with Patrick, a hairgiver specialist.

For women, Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL) is a bit more complicated. As with MPB, FPHL may involve 5-a reductase, testosterone, and DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). However FPHL may also include additional factors such as the female hormone estrone, estradiol, and the enzyme aromatase.

Also known as androgenetic alopecia, FPHL affects about 30 million American women and is the most common cause of hair loss in women. Sufferers of FPHL experience hair thinning mainly on the top and the crown of the scalp, usually beginning with a widening through the center hair part.

FPHL is characterized by hair follicle miniaturization where the follicles become smaller and produce short, thin, more brittle hairs until hair production eventually stops. Unlike MPB, FPHL will not result in total baldness. Women tend to keep their hair line except for the normal recession which natural occurs for everyone.

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