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Category: Uncategorized

Summer Hair Care Tips


Summer is the season of shorts, swimming, BBQs and carefree fun in the sun. Unfortunately, many of the season’s most notable attributes take a toll on your hair. Heat, humidity, afternoons by the pool, trips to the beach and prolonged exposure to sunlight can give way to excessive sweat and oils, dryness, frizz, faded color … Continued

Robotics Hair Transplantation vs Manual


The bad news is — you’re suffering from hair loss. The good news is — you have more options than ever before to stop hair loss, grow existing hairs and restore your scalp’s former fullness. So which option is the best option to restore your hair and your confidence? First off, what are your options? … Continued

Can I Color My Hair?


You want to look great, and how your hair looks plays a major role in how you look and how you feel. Coloring your hair may give you the subtle improvement to your look that you want, help you look years younger or express your unique and vibrant point of view. However, if you currently … Continued

Trending Hairstyles for 2018


It’s a new year, so why not try something new? Go for that Mohawk you always wanted to rock, or maybe it’s time to clean up your act and have a slick comb over so you can nail that job interview you’ve been nervous about all morning. It’s your hair and it should express your … Continued

Get Healthy Skin, Nails and Hair With This Powerful Vitamin


Do you remember your first vehicle? How nice it felt to sit in the driver’s seat for the very first time. To drive around the block and show it off to all your friends. Well, your body is just like that vehicle. You are always in the driver seat, and you get to show it … Continued

Signs You’re Not Getting Sufficient Protein From Your Diet


The cold hard truth is that most people do not get sufficient protein in their diets. The scary fact is that protein is essential for nearly every cell in your body. It helps your body build and repair tissue, while at the same time used to make enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. Protein is … Continued

Grooming Tips for the Modern Man


No matter your age, one thing that all males forget to do is maintain a healthy grooming routine. All guys should treat their styling and grooming habits as a part of their normal, healthy morning routine. Just like you like to work out to stay fit, keeping a regular grooming routine will help you look … Continued

Essential Holiday Nutrients


Winter is coming, and with that the season of holidays. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and before you know it you will be hearing “Ho Ho Ho” as Christmas arrives. These two are the most popular holidays of the calendar year; all the family gathers to catch up with each other and of course … Continued