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How To Care For Your Beard and Facial Hair


A beard can help a man look and feel more masculine and confident and serve as a unique and fun way to express his personality. While genetic factors play a significant role in the location, density and quality of facial hair, if you choose to have a beard, there are many things you can do to keep your beard looking full and healthy and promote hair growth. All of the following steps and tips can help men have the best-looking beard possible and feel confident about their look whatever style of beard they select.

A Healthy Diet Promotes Beard Health

A proper diet benefits more than just our health; it can also improve our looks and enhance hair growth and quality as well, and this includes facial hair. A diet rich in Vitamins D and E and zinc, for example, can have a substantial impact on hair health. Also, a diet that includes lean proteins and healthy fats also leads to improved hair health. Many foods which you can easily add to your diet provide vitamins, minerals and nutrients that directly enhance hair quality and growth.

Protein-rich foods, such as eggs, for example, can help nourish hairs, while healthy fats, like those found in salmon and mackerel, also enhance hair growth. Spinach contains iron, folate and Vitamins A and C, all of which healthy hair requires. Antioxidants found in many berries can also help prevent damage to hair follicles. Of course, maintaining a balanced and varied diet which supports your overall health will also lead to optimum hair health in the long run.

The Basics of Beard Maintenance

Following a few simple tips can also have a profound effect on the look of your beard. For example, washing your face and beard with hot water can strip away essential oils which protect and nourish your facial hair and give it a healthy-looking sheen; so use warm water, instead. Even with warm water and gentle cleansers, your skin and hair can occasionally become dry, especially during colder months; but daily use of a non-comedogenic moisturizer can combat this.

Good blood flow is also essential to have healthy and healthy-looking hair. Among the most important things you can do for your health and your beard is to avoid smoking. Smoking has numerous severe health consequences, and among them is restricted blood flow which can negatively impact the healthy function of hair follicles and consequently hair growth. However, regularly brushing your beard can have the opposite effect and stimulate blood flow. It can also help distribute your hairs’ oils which further protects them and enhances their appearance.

Good Grooming Can Go a Long Way

Whether you keep your beard short or long, grooming your beard can also have a considerable impact on its appearance and the health of your facial hairs. Regular trimming can help eliminate dead ends which can make facial hair look both messy and unhealthy. Styling your beard — whether you prefer a more conservative or trendy and fun style — can also make your beard look great and help you feel more confident.

Aside from keeping your facial hair clean and healthy, choosing a beard style which suits your personality can boost not only your look but also your confidence. For example, a squarer face often looks better with shorter facial hair on the sides and longer hairs on the bottom, while longer faces benefit from the opposite scenario. Oval faces can look good with either style, so experiment. Beard oil, a popular styling aid, can help your facial hair look shinier and healthier and feel softer, as well as, while also protecting your facial hair from damage.

Call Hair by Robotics today at 1.844.HAIR.BYROBO for more information about beard and facial hair care or any other hair concerns you may have. Hair by Robotics is committed to helping you look your best.