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Why Choosing the Right Doctor is Still Important with a Robotic Procedure


A robotic hair transplant procedure will take a considerable amount of risk out of your hair transplant treatment. Traditional follicular-unit extraction (FUE) procedures are performed by hand and can take a long time to perform. These factors can lead to doctor fatigue which can adversely affect your results; introducing complications and impacting your final look.

When you choose to have a robotic hair transplant, however — like the ARTAS treatment that Hair by Robotics offers — you can avoid these pitfalls. An ARTAS procedure remains the first and only fully-robotic hair restoration solution and includes highly-advanced technological features to enhance every aspect of your experience and results.

For example, the system uses advanced imaging systems and algorithms to select the ideal hairs for harvesting, Artificial Intelligence to map the ideal distribution of hairs in the recipient area and robotic armature to implant the hairs in the pre-identified locations with a high degree of accuracy, ensuring each patient receives the best possible result.

So where does your doctor fit into your fully-robotic hair transplant procedure? Your doctor still plays a crucial role in getting the look you want, safely, and enjoying your look well into the future. A robotic system like ARTAS gives your doctor the best tool available to achieve your desired results, but it does not replace the skills or knowledge of your doctor.

The Importance of a Thorough Consultation

For starters, your doctor will always be best-equipped to examine you and recommend the best course of treatment. In most cases, a robotic hair restoration treatment will provide you with the most comprehensive, natural and longest-lasting solution possible for your hair loss concerns. However, for some, the procedure may be too soon, because their hair loss pattern has not yet been fully established and having a robotic hair transplant treatment too early could lead to unpredictable results as your hair loss continues.

Similarly, for others, their pattern of hair loss may have progressed too far, making them ineligible for a robotic treatment which requires that they have enough of their own natural hair to populate their recipient area in an attractive way. Diagnosing the causes of your hair loss, too, plays a central role in determining which treatment will best serve you. Knowing when an ARTAS treatment will be appropriate for your concerns is a crucial aspect of getting your results, and a function that only your doctor can perform.

Your Doctors Role in Patient Safety

Your doctor also continues to perform a critical function during your actual procedure. An ARTAS system gives your doctor perhaps the best tool available to restore your hair and confidence; however, ARTAS was not designed nor intended to operate independently of doctor supervision. On the day of your procedure, your doctor will ensure that all aspects of the ARTAS system are working as they should throughout Robotic Hair Procedure— and intervene if required — but most importantly, they will monitor your comfort and safety.

With over 10 years of research, design and operation, the ARTAS robotic hair transplant system is one of the safest treatments you can have, and it significantly reduces the risks you would face by having more invasive procedures, such as strip surgeries. However, what guarantees the lowest risk for patients is the constant monitoring of the procedure by a skilled physician with significant experience in all aspects of the system’s operation, hair transplant treatments and patient wellbeing.

Your Results Also Depend on a Successful Recovery

Having a successful procedure is necessary to having high-quality results, but your recovery is also a significant contributor to your final outcome. Once your grafts have been implanted, your scalp will begin to heal, and most patients experience only minimal discomfort with no complications during this phase. However, all procedures have some level of risk, and each patient will respond slightly differently to the same treatment.

Your doctor can give you the important, necessary guidance during this time to ensure your grafts heal quickly and healthily. Correctly caring for your new grafts is an essential part of any hair restoration procedure and is no less critical in the case of a robotic procedure. And, should you have any questions or encounter any concerns, they will be there for you to help you deal with any issues right away, so you get the results you expect and the confidence you deserve.

An ARTAS robotic hair transplant system far from replaces the skills and experience of your physician — it enhances them, taking away much of the risk of a FUE or strip surgery and replacing it with a system that can produce quality and consistent results when used for the right patients and when used correctly. Selecting a robotic treatment is the first step to getting attractive, natural and long-lasting results. But choosing a doctor who not only has extensive experience with hair transplants but also expert knowledge of the ARTAS robotic hair restoration system is your best assurance of getting the look you want and feeling confident again for years to come.