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Who is the Best Candidate for the ARTAS Hair Transplant


An ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure can give men suffering from hair loss an unsurpassed solution to restore their hair and their confidence. An ARTAS treatment has numerous advantages over more traditional hair transplant procedures, and for the vast majority of male hair-loss sufferers, it can create a very natural look and the long-lasting results they want.

However, as with any cosmetic procedure, you must be a good candidate to avoid the risks and get the full benefits. While ARTAS can help most men restore their hair and achieve more fullness and youthfulness, first you must qualify, and only a few characteristics will make you a great candidate for the benefits of ARTAS. If you meet these factors, contact Hair by Robotics today to begin your hair restoration journey.

Am I the right age for an ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant Treatment?

Many men begin to notice hair loss at an early age, even as early as their 20’s in some cases. If this describes you, you do have non-surgical treatment options available to combat this hair loss, and you may have an ARTAS treatment later if your hair loss persists. However, most patients should be 25 years of age or older before beginning an ARTAS hair restoration treatment. The reason being, until your hair loss pattern has been well established, a hair restoration treatment may not adequately treat your symptoms as they continue to progress.

For example, having a hair transplant treatment too soon may harvest unhealthy hairs. Also, it could transplant healthy hairs to locations which won’t see more thinning while failing to transplant hairs to locations which will see more thinning. Having an ARTAS hair transplant procedure too soon may not treat your symptoms, because your symptoms may continue to change over time before establishing a pattern. However, once you can recognize a pattern, and it is clear how your hair loss will continue to progress, you should strongly consider an ARTAS hair restoration treatment since it will provide substantial improvements with permanent results.

Can I get the look I want with the hair I have now?

An ARTAS hair transplant system uses your own hair, so you get the best, most natural look possible. For you to have an ARTAS hair transplant procedure, therefore, you will need to have enough healthy hairs in the donor area to transplant to the recipient area and create the look you want. You will also need to have enough hairs in the donor area so that, after harvesting, your donor area will continue to look full and healthy, not thin and depleted.

Your doctor will make this determination during your in-person consultation to help ensure you get the right treatment for your hair loss, and that you get the best possible results. In the majority of cases, men experiencing male-pattern baldness will qualify for an ARTAS hair transplant treatment. However, in the event that you do not have enough healthy donor hairs for the procedure, your doctor can recommend alternatives to help you slow your hair loss and get you the healthy look you want.

Will an ARTAS treatment work with my hair type?

There are many misconceptions about the kind of hair an ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure can treat. Many people believe — erroneously — that an ARTAS treatment cannot treat individuals who have lighter colored hair, very curly or African-American hair types. None of these claims are true. If you have very curly hair, for example, the ARTAS system will adjust the size of the harvesting needle used by the robot. By using a wider, larger harvesting needle, the robot will account for the curvature of these hair follicles during the harvesting process, ensuring you have viable and healthy grafts for transplanting into your recipient area.

If you have somewhat curly hair, you can also have an ARTAS treatment. Since the donor area is shaved before harvesting, the curvature of your hair strands will no longer be a factor in your procedure. People with light-colored hair can also still benefit from an ARTAS treatment. While the ARTAS system is designed to recognize darker colored hair, if you have lighter colored hair in your donor area, your hair will be dyed to a darker color before harvesting. ARTAS will then harvest your grafts as normal, and the temporary hair dye will easily wash out of your hair post procedure.

Candidacy for an ARTAS Hair Transplant

Whatever the reason for your hair loss, you have many options available to treat and restore it to the healthy look you want. In fact, your options include everything from updating your hair care routine and managing your stress levels, for subtle to moderate hair loss, to topical treatments and hair transplants, if you have more severe hair loss. However, an ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure can be one of the most effective treatments you can have if you are experiencing hair loss, and the hairs transplanted are permanent.

ARTAS offers the first and only robotic hair restoration solution, providing you with a quick, safe and effective way to transplant your own hair. Thus, creating a look that has all-over fullness and rejuvenation. The state-of-the-art imaging and robotic harvesting technology also minimizes your risks; since it eliminates the human error that can affect both your safety and results.

Call Hair by Robotics today at 1-844-HAIR-BYROBO to schedule your complimentary consultation, have your and exam and discuss all your options. You can have the great head of hair you want with an ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure now, and you can have a safer procedure when you trust the experts at Hair by Robotics. We look forward to helping you get the look you’ve been wanting, so you feel great wherever life takes you.