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Who is Not a Candidate for ARTAS Hair Transplants

hair transplant candidate

An ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure can help most individuals restore their hair and their confidence. This cutting-edge treatment and the first and only fully robotic hair restoration solutions uses a patient’s own hair to replenish areas of thinning in other areas of the scalp. For this reason, the results of an ARTAS treatment look very natural, and it can transform the entire head of hair, creating full, styleable hair in the recipient areas while leaving donors areas looking full and healthy, without surgery or scarring.

ARTAS’ proprietary imaging and artificial-intelligence technologies make this possible by selecting an optimal distribution of hairs for harvesting, leaving the donor area looking healthy, and by creating an ideal distribution of grafts in the recipient area, creating maximum fullness. ARTAS also selects only the healthiest hairs for harvesting, leading to long-lasting results. However, while an ARTAS treatment can help most patients, it does have a few contraindications, and several factors may mean that you are not a good candidate for an ARTAS robotic hair restoration treatment. Here are some things to consider if you are thinking about having ARTAS.

If you have widespread hair loss, you might not make a good candidate for ARTAS

Women and men who have a widespread pattern of hair loss may not make a good hair restoration candidate for an ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure. Widespread hair loss may preclude you from having an ARTAS treatment for two reasons. First, you may have too few hairs in the regions typically used for harvesting to make an appreciable difference in your recipient area. Second, widespread hair loss may be indicative of a more serious problem which an ARTAS treatment will be unable to treat. For example, your hair loss may stem from genetic factors — such as an extreme sensitivity to DHT, a hormone, which is responsible for male-pattern baldness. If you have a condition like this, it is possible that even should you have an ARTAS treatment, your hair loss may continue to occur and erode your results.

Medications which you might be required to take to manage certain diagnosed conditions may also contribute to hair loss, especially if you must take these medications on an on-going basis. Several classes of drugs, like anticoagulants, beta blockers or antidepressants, for example, may cause telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss which can affect the entire scalp. In some cases, this type of hair loss could even become permanent. However, even if your medications cause only temporary hair loss, they could affect the results of an ARTAS treatment, if you have one, for as long as you have to take these drugs.

You’ll Need a Healthy Donor Site for Your ARTAS Treatment

If you do not have sufficient donor sites, you will not make a good candidate for an ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure. The reason for this is probably already clear. The ARTAS system uses your own hair to replenish recipient sites which have experienced or are experiencing hair thinning. Without hairs to transplant to those areas, you will not be able to receive the benefit of the ARTAS system. ARTAS typically relies on scalp areas on the back and sides of the head for harvesting.

Further, a good donor site should have enough hairs so that, after harvesting, it will continue to look full and healthy and match the fullness of your recipient site once the transplanted hairs have begun to thrive. If you are unsure of whether or not you have healthy enough donor sites for an ARTAS robotic hair transplant procedure, Hair by Robotics can assess your scalp and help you determine this during your in-person consultation.

Scar Tissue or Scalp Trauma Can Also Disqualify You for an ARTAS Treatment

Significant scarring from trauma, surgery, burns or injuries will also often make you ineligible for an ARTAS treatment. This is because injuries to the scalp can permanently damage hair follicles, replacing scalp tissue with scar tissue that makes future hair growth impossible. This has clear adverse consequences for a prospective ARTAS treatment since ARTAS relies on having both healthy hairs to harvest and healthy scalp tissue into which to transplant your harvested hairs. However, you would have to have significant scarring in order to preclude you from having an ARTAS treatment totally, so let the hair treatment professionals at Hair by Robotics exam your scar tissue, if you have any, and determine if you qualify for ARTAS.

Despite these contraindications, many individuals still qualify for an ARTAS treatment and can reap its benefits. ARTAS has helped thousands of individuals restore their hair and confidence, even if they have very curly or light hair. Call Hair by Robotics today at 1-844-HAIR-BYROBO to schedule your free, in-person exam and explore your hair treatment options.