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Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?


Have you begun to notice your hair thinning? Do you have patches of visible thinness, or have you started to notice more hair than usual on your comb, brush or in your sink? Hair loss affects many many men (and women), and it can be a troubling sign that can force you to question your looks and your confidence and affect all aspects of your life, both personal and professional.

You’ve probably heard that stress causes hair loss, and when you begin to lose more hair, obviously, you get more stressed, creating a vicious cycle with no way out. Is this true, however? Does stress cause hair loss? And if you have a lot of stress in your life — which you can’t always control — is hair loss a hopeless and inevitable situation?

Stress is, in fact, one of many reasons why men and women and lose their hair, but there are other reasons, too. If you feel like stress is leading to increased hair loss, there are things you can do to control and prevent it. It is far from a hopeless situation, but it will require some active intervention on your part. And if your hair loss continues, Hair by Robotics has many ways to help.

Yes, stress causes hair loss — but don’t stress it

Stress is one of many reasons men and women lose their hair. When we feel stressed, this can trigger a phenomenon in our bodies called telogen effluvium, a condition in which our bodies naturally release the bulbs of the root hair, effectively causing us to lose our hair.

Stress-related hair loss can be shocking and frightening. Few sights probably cause as much dread and make you question your health as much as clumps of hair coming off your head or found on your hair brush. There is no need to panic, however. Probably everyone at one time in their life has suffered from stress-related hair loss to some degree.

One piece of good news is that telogen effluvium is usually temporary, a response to a trigger and not a permanent condition. Want another piece of good news? You can do many things to stop this stress response and slow down or stop this loss of hair. In many cases, you can reduce your stress and your hair loss and continue to enjoy the healthy hair you have.

How can I lower my stress and stop my hair loss?

Stress-related hair loss is usually temporary and almost always reversible. While you may not be able to eliminate all the stress and stressors in your life, you can still do a lot to minimize stress, handle your stress better and improve your health — all of which will help you slow down your hair loss. Things you can do today to relieve stress, improve your health and slow hair loss include:

  • Always treat your hair gently
  • Be sure to eat a healthy diet with sufficient fruits, vegetables and proteins
  • Get eight hours of sleep, or more if you can
  • Take vitamin supplements such as B12, iron and folic acid

These steps will take time to show results, so if you feel you need to do more to stop your hair loss, you can also pick up your exercise routine, set aside some time each day to relax and also improve your relationships by consciously reconnecting with loved ones. You may even consider beginning meditation or yoga. Meditation and yoga might sound like odd choices to treat hair loss, but these practices have been consistently shown to improve an individual’s general health in often remarkable ways.

What if something else is causing my hair loss?

Chances are, if you are experiencing stress-related hair loss, you’ll know it. (Stress can be hard to mistake and difficult to ignore.) But other factors also cause hair loss. Most commonly, genetics is responsible. Male androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of baldness in men, is genetic and, while not curable, is treatable. Aging, too, is a factor as are other medical conditions and medications.

See your doctor or a hair specialist like Hairy by Robotics if you have noticed more shedding or areas of thinness on your scalp. We can quickly help you diagnose the situation and recommend solutions. Whatever you do, don’t wait for problems to get worse before you call. We can help you slow down, stop and reverse your hair loss now.

Suffering from hair loss? Hair by Robotics can help

Whatever the cause of your hair loss, there are things you can do. Revamping your hair care routine, improving your health and, yes, reducing your stress can all improve mild to moderate hair loss. If you have begun to experience more severe hair loss, however, you can have several treatments to restore the fuller, healthier head of hair that best reflects you.

Robotic hair restoration solutions like ARTAS, for example, can quickly, safely and effectively transplant healthy hairs from a donor area on your scalp to areas of thinning, creating the appearance of all-over fullness with minimal risk of fatigue and human error that plague manual hair restoration methods.

Call Hair by Robotics today at 1-844-HAIR-BYROBO to discuss this and all your options. A great head of hair boosts confidence and crushes stress, too.