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Why Is My Hair Falling Out?


Hair loss is more common than you may think. By the age of 35, approximately two-thirds of males in America will notice some degree of appreciable hair loss. While females, suffering from some degree of hair loss, make up forty percent of the American hair loss sufferers.

There are various causes of hair loss in both males and females. There is a condition called ‘Trichotillomania,’ which refers to hair loss caused by an obsessive and compulsive disorder of hair pulling. It can also be as simple as a deficiency of vitamins and minerals that your hair needs to grow strong and stay healthy. Every person’s condition for hair loss is unique, but studies have shown the most common form of hair loss in both male and female is Androgenetic Alopecia; also known as male/female pattern baldness.

Androgenetic Alopecia occurs by the action of the hormone ‘dihydrotestosterone’ (DHT) on genetically susceptible scalp hair follicles. Wait, so let’s back it up, what is DHT? Well, I’m glad you asked. DHT is one of the hormonal conversions of testosterone. It is an androgen hormone, meaning it is responsible for the biological characteristics of males and the formation of the male’s primary sex characteristics during embryonic life and it continues to be necessary to the male sexual function throughout adult life.

Under normal conditions, even females have a minute fraction of testosterone compared to males. However, even this minute level can cause the process of DHT to occur in females. However, it isn’t as familiar. Because of this, it is understandable that Androgenetic Alopecia has the most significant effect on males and a lesser effect on females.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) attacks the hair and decreases the blood flow to the follicles. This reduction in blood flow reduces the number of nutrients delivered to the follicle and therefore leads to a decrease in keratin (hair protein) production. As a result, the follicle progressively shrinks and miniaturizes until the hair falls out.

Hair loss has a profound effect on how people perceive themselves, and how others view them too. Besides just looking older, hair loss can lead to depression, decrease in confidence, envy and embarrassment. Androgenetic Alopecia is one of the leading causes of hair loss, but this condition is not the only form of hair loss, and every individual’s case is different. If you want to understand your hair loss better, please contact us. You are not alone; stop putting your happiness on hold and show the world who YOU are!