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The Truth About Split Ends

cutting split ends

Split ends can make your hair look dry, frizzy and unhealthy. Don’t be fooled by products that claim to fix split ends. Keep in mind that hair is made up of dead cells, therefore, hair is not alive and cannot be healed or fixed. While some products can reduce the appearance of split ends, only a haircut can eliminate split ends.

Many factors impact the number of split ends you have, as well as the speed at which they develop; including things you have control over (hair care routines and styling techniques) and things you don’t (weather and hormone changes). Let’s take a closer look at what causes split ends and what you can do to minimize them.

Environmental Factors

The weather can impact the overall health of your hair and encourage split ends. Summer sun can dry out hair strands, causing hair to become brittle and ends to look and feel crispy. Winter weather can be hard on hair too, because colder temperatures can increase dryness on the scalp and hair; making it more fragile and thus more prone to develop split ends.

Hair Care Routines

Hair care routines can dramatically impact split ends. Over-washing, rubbing hair with a towel, brushing wet hair and excessive brushing can cause hair strands to fray. To help prevent split ends caused by your routine, wash your hair every two to three days. When washing your hair, consider using shampoo only on the scalp and then gently pull the suds down to the ends of your hair without scrubbing. Then apply conditioner from the middle of your head down to the ends. Use high-quality hair care products that don’t contain harsh ingredients. After washing and conditioning, use a micro-fiber towel to gently squeeze your hair and absorb excess water. Finish by using a wide-tooth comb to gently work your way through your locks without ripping the hair. If you have tangles, try using a leave-in conditioner.

Heated Styling Techniques

Styling techniques such as using a hairdryer, curling iron or straightener, can promote the development of split ends. Heat is hard on hair; thus, it is essential to use the lowest temperature setting when styling your hair. Applying a heat protectant spray before you use heated styling tools can add a buffer of protection to the hair. In addition, allowing your hair to air dry, or giving your hair a break from heat and excessive styling, can decrease the rate at which split ends develop. If you wear your hair in a ponytail, use a covered or fabric elastic to hold your hair and don’t over-tighten the elastic.


Chemicals used in hair color, perming and chemical straightening, as well as styling products to boost volume or hold a style, can deplete hair of moisture and cause split ends. Talk to your stylist about less harsh options to color, perm or straighten your hair and try to spread out the time between chemical services. Also, use a deep conditioner as recommended to promote moisture in the hair and strengthen the hair shaft. Maybe it is time to consider going au naturel? Natural is in style and who knows, you might love your natural hair color.


You are what you eat. So is your hair. Even though hair is made up of dead cells, nutritional deficiencies can negatively impact scalp health, hair growth and hair structure. Also, while there is some debate over whether vitamin supplements improve the healthu and appearance of hair, biotin, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, iron, zinc and vitamin C are thought to strengthen the hair and improve its overall appearance.


Changes in hormones can cause women’s hair to become dry and brittle. Less estrogen in the body produces less natural oil on the scalp. This can weaken hair, zap it of moisture and make hair more susceptible to breakage and split ends. If you feel hormones are to blame for the changes you are experiencing with your locks, consider the recommendations above to improve the health and appearance of your hair.

Gentleness is Key

The bottom line in caring for your hair is to do all things with gentleness in mind. A mild hair care routine, as well as non-aggressive styling techniques, will promote hair health. Deep conditioning or hydrating hair masks can help improve moisture in the hair. Regular trims will keep your ends fresh and split-free. Finally, giving your hair a rest, whether it be from washing, styling or chemical services, can have a dramatic impact on the health of your hair and the look of your locks.

If you battle split ends, Hair by Robotics would be happy to help you re-evaluate your hair care routine and determine a regimen that is best suited for you. Call us to learn more about the products we sell that can help promote healthy, beautiful hair.